Until the Next Time (Give Me Shelter Book 1) Read online

Page 17

  “So what are you thinking?”

  Meghan snorted. “No fucking way I’m selling the pub—not after this bullshit. Hell, there’s a great story now. Ryan got most of the bullet holes smoothed out, but the worst ones are too deep.”

  “Ooh, intriguing.” Jason wiggled his eyebrows.

  “Definitely,” Meghan said with a carefree laugh. God, he hadn’t heard that in a while. He wouldn’t mind hearing it for the rest of his life. Her gaze softened as she looked at him and stroked his hair. “What’s that face on you?”

  “Just glad you’re here,” Jason whispered.

  “I’m glad I am, too.” She looked around conspiratorially. “I brought you something.”

  “Oh yeah?” He perked up, as did his cock.

  “You have to keep it under control, though, and no overexerting yourself,” she admonished him.

  Jason nodded, and with a wink, she pulled out a bag from his favorite burger joint.


  “Oh, man! Yes! Real food!”

  Jason raised the bed and Meghan helped him get situated, then he dug into his meal. His eyes rolled back in his head. “Oh God, this is so good.”

  “I have something else,” Meghan whispered.

  Jason stopped midchew. “Wha?”

  Meghan began to unbutton her blouse—first one button, then two—painfully slowly until she’d exposed her bare breasts.

  “Go on—eat.” Meghan perched on the edge of the bed and played with her nipples until they were rosy and peaked.

  He swallowed the bite in his mouth. “Damn, woman.”

  “Finish your dinner,” she murmured, still plucking at her breasts.

  Jason ate the rest of his hamburger in four big bites, and Meghan gave him dessert, which was a blow job and the satisfaction of watching her make herself come. When she was done, she smoothed the sheets back over him and buttoned up her blouse.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow, bright and early, okay?” she whispered in his ear before nipping the lobe.

  “Sounds great.”

  Meghan grinned, gave him a kiss, and left the room, her hips swinging.


  Chapter 32

  Meghan rang the brass bell with gusto, whooping like some sort of primal Irish war chieftain as Ronnie put the two-foot-tall pint replica that served as a trophy in its place on the self. The crowd clapped and cheered, and soon the chant of Meghan’s name was replaced by calls for her to give a speech.

  The crowd quieted down after she indicated that she’d say a few words. As she looked out over the crowd, she saw a sea of familiar faces—customers who had become friends and lovers. Momentarily overcome with emotion, the crowd remained quiet while she pulled herself together.

  “Dammit, I made it through the prepared speech without blubbering, but it doesn’t seem like I’m going to make it through two,” she said with a chuckle, the crowd laughing along with her.

  “Da opened this pub as a sort of therapy to deal with my mam’s death. Some of you knew her, have been here since the early days—hell, some of you were there before Foley’s even existed—and I can’t thank you, all of you, new friends and old, enough, and I can’t begin to express how much your support has meant to me. This pub is a meeting place, a community where we can all come together. That’s all Da wanted, and I think he would be happy to see all of you gathered here. So, let’s raise a glass to my da, Eamon Sullivan. Sláinte.”

  The crowd repeated the toast, Meghan rang the bell once more, and then the crowd erupted back into chatter. Jason was waiting for her to come from behind the bar so he could hug her tight.

  “You okay?”

  She nodded. “Yeah, I’m going to be.” Someone jostled her from behind, and she stood fast, protecting the space around Jason. “Oi! Watch it! No shovin’! Jaysus.”

  “Sorry, Meghan! Tripped over my own feet!” Lindsay Beaujardin pointed at her wedge sandals. “These weren’t the best choice of footwear for today.”

  Meghan laughed and gave Dan’s sister a quick squeeze. “I should have warned you about the crowd, but honestly, this is the most people we’ve served, ever. This is crazy.”

  “It’s good, though, right?”

  “Yep, it’s good. It’s all good. You getting settled in, yeah?”

  “Yeah, I am. Thank you so much for letting me stay in the apartment and pick up shifts. I wish you’d let me work today, though.”

  Meghan shook her head. “No way I’d let you work this madhouse when you’ve just started.”

  “Trial by fire,” Lindsay said with a shrug. “But thank you. I really appreciate it.”

  “Do not mention it. There’s no sense in you renting an apartment when I have one right here, empty at least for the next six weeks while I keep an eye on this one.” She jerked a thumb back at Jason. “Gotta make sure he follows the rules.”

  Jason rolled his eyes and muttered something about bossy women, though he had a big grin on his face.

  Lindsay laughed and shook her head. “I’m gonna go change shoes. I’ll catch you later.”

  When Meghan looked up to tell Jason something, he was looking down at her, a small smile playing across his lips. Meghan arched an eyebrow at him in silent question.

  He leaned down to murmur in her ear. “You know, there’s no reason you can’t stay in the house beyond six weeks.”

  A slow smile spread across Meghan’s face. “Yeah?”

  Jason nodded, his countenance now serious. “Move in with me, permanently. At least think about it.”


  “Um, yeah, you’ll move in, or yeah, you’ll think about it?”

  “Yeah, I’ll move in, permanently.”


  She nodded, laughing, and gave him another careful yet enthusiastic hug followed by an even more enthusiastic kiss. The two stood in the middle of the crowd as if they were alone, just looking at each other and grinning like idiots.

  Cash’s loud whoops pulled them out of their revelry. Jason knew there was only one person who could elicit that sound from Cash.

  “Gunny’s back!” Cash had his arm around the guy, steering him toward Jason and Meghan. “Look who I found.”

  Gunny’s and Jason’s eyes met, and Jason extended his hand to his friend. “Welcome back, Gunny.”

  The former sniper nodded. “Good to be back,” he said, his usual gruff voice even rougher. “Meghan.”

  Meghan dove into Gunny, holding him tight. He looked surprised, but when Jason nodded at him, he returned Meghan’s embrace. She laid her hand on the side of his face and mouthed a silent “Thank you” before turning back to Jason.

  “I need to get more whiskey. I’ll be back.” And she disappeared into the throng of people surrounding the bar.

  Gunny huffed a laugh. “I take it she knows.”

  Jason shook his head in wonder. “I sure as fuck didn’t tell her.”

  Cash held up his hands. “Don’t look at me. I don’t know anything about anything.”

  “That’s for damn sure,” Gunny said with a snort. “Man, I need a drink.”

  Jason signaled for two whiskeys and handed one each to Cash and Gunny before lifting his own glass.

  “To sure shots and steady hands,” he said.

  “To sure shots and steady hands,” the other two men repeated.

  Gunny knocked back his drink. “Oh man, that’s good. I might have to have another shot or six.”

  “So where ya been, Gunny?” Cash leaned against an empty space at the bar.

  Gunny shook his head. “Here and there, nowhere and everywhere.”

  “Hey, guys. Whoa, Gunny—you’re back!” Johnny extended his hand. Gunny clasped it, though he seemed unsure. “Good work you did here,” Johnny said, gripping Gunny’s hand tight. “Good work.” He jerked his chin up and disappeared back into the crowd.

  “Well, I guess that’s one less issue to worry about, right?” Jason tilted his head in a modified shrug.

, I guess,” Gunny murmured.

  “Hey, man, welcome back!” Dan slapped Gunny on the back. “When’d you get in?”

  “Not too long ago. Figured I’d drop by and see how things are going. Looks like they’re going well.”

  “Oh, hey, let me introduce you to my sis,” Dan said with a clap on Gunny’s shoulder. “Linds—hey, Linds!” Dan guided Lindsay through the crowd at the bar. “Gunny, this is my little sister, Lindsay. Lindsay, this is Ben Anderson, but everyone calls him Gunny.”

  Jason was getting ready to make a comment about little sisters being off-limits, but something about the way Gunny and Lindsay looked at each other made him stop.

  “Um, hey, Gunny.” Lindsay had a wary look on her face. “Nice to meet you.”

  Gunny nodded. “Likewise.”

  Meghan slipped back into the space beside Jason, nestling into his side. “Sorry about that. It’s like swimming upstream, getting through this crowd.” She grinned. “Oh, Gunny and Lindsay, did you two meet?”

  Gunny began choking, and Cash started pounding him on the back.

  “I’m good, I’m good, Cash. Jeez.” Gunny cleared his throat. “Um, I’m beat. I’m gonna take off.” Gunny’s attention riveted back to Lindsay. “Nice seeing you,” he said and disappeared into the crowd.

  Cash snorted a laugh. “Always Mr. Personality, that one. Okay, who wants shots?” He clapped his hands together and advanced toward the bar.

  Meghan turned to Jason and quirked an eyebrow at him. He shook his head in confusion. “I don’t know what the hell that was.”

  “It was something.”

  “Yeah, it was.” Meghan cocked her head at Jason. “Come here,” Meghan whisper-yelled in Jason’s ear as she set his full pint glass on a table and took his hand.

  “Babe, Ronnie just poured that. It’s a waste of a good beer,” he groused as she pulled him along behind her.

  “You’re not even supposed to be drinking,” she said with a wink. “But for now, you’re coming with me.”

  “When did you get so bossy?”

  “Oh, you love it.” She tugged him into the pub’s office and slammed the door behind him.

  “Oh, I definitely do.” He wrapped his loose arm around her and pulled her close. “Hey, babe.”

  “Hey yourself.” Meghan stood up on her tiptoes and gave him a peck on the lips. “I just need to get out of the bustle for a few seconds.”

  “Understood. It’s a madhouse out there. I don’t remember it ever being this crazy.”

  Meghan took a deep breath as Jason wrapped his big hand around her neck and began to stroke behind her ear with his thumb. “Oh, yeah. That’s just what I needed, Jase.” She made a little contented sound and lost herself in the relative quiet of the office and the soothing pressure of Jason’s touch, if only for a few stolen moments.

  When she reopened her eyes, she found Jason gazing down at her with the most wondrous expression. Her stomach flip-flopped and she thought she might burst into tears, not that she hadn’t already done so today.

  “Oh, darlin’,” Jason whispered, wiping away a tear that leaked from her eye. “It’s gotta be hard.”

  “It was a lot harder than I anticipated. I mean, not the competition itself—those guys were a joke—but, you know, the whole . . . thing.” She sniffled and wiped away her tears. “God, why am I crying again?”


  She laughed and nuzzled into his chest as much as she could, inhaling his smell of soap and man with a dash of beer. “Did you spill your drink on yourself?”

  Jason wagged his head. “Maybe?” He got a mischievous glint in his eye and backed her up against the door.

  “What are you doing?” Meghan giggled. Parts of her began to tingle as Jason fumbled with the button and zipper of her shorts.

  “I’m gonna help you relax so you can get through the rest of this insane day.” He inched his fingers inside her panties. “Is this okay?”

  Meghan had closed her eyes as soon as his fingers made contact with her bare mound. “Oh, yeah,” she whispered. “Perfect.”

  He began to stroke her, his light touches teasing.

  “You need to be careful, Jason. You’re only about ten days out of surgery. Oh God . . .”

  He chuckled. “You’ve been taking such good care of me; now I want to take care of you.” He plunged a thick finger between her folds. “You’re so wet for me, aren’t you?”

  “Yes . . .”

  He added another finger and pressed the heel of his hand against her nub. Meghan was grinding against him, riding his hand as he pumped his fingers.

  “I know we don’t have much time, babe,” he rasped, “so come on. Give it to me now.”

  And she did, biting her lower lip to stifle her scream. Jason continued his ministrations, watching her closely.

  “Open your eyes, Meghan. Look at me, darlin’.”

  She did, and was rewarded with a huge grin. Jason’s eyes were soft, and he swallowed hard as he slowed his pace, and her climax began to wind down.

  “That’s it,” he murmured in her ear, kissing her neck. “So good. Love to see you come.” He rested his forehead against hers. “I just love you, period, Meghan.”

  Meghan wrapped her arms around him, pulling him as close as she dared. “I love you, too, Jason.” She sucked in a shaky breath. “Now I think I’m really gonna cry.”

  She laughed, and he joined in, both of their faces wet with perspiration and tears. They lost themselves in kisses for a few more moments, then Meghan grabbed some tissues and began to dab at her face.

  “So do I look like I’ve just been fucked in the office?” she asked.

  Jason cocked his head. “Maybe?”

  Meghan snorted a laugh. “You know what? Fuck it.”

  “Man, that’s what I always say.”

  She rolled her eyes and opened the door, and they went back out to the pub.

  Chapter 33

  Meghan collapsed into her favorite booth as Ronnie shooed the last of the patrons out the door and locked it securely. Normally, she considered the noise ordinance an unnecessary hindrance, but after the long day, she was thrilled to have to close up at eleven.

  Jason brought her a glass of water and slid into the seat next to her. She drained the pint in one extended gulp and set the glass back on the table.

  “Thanks, Jase.” She blew out a breath and shook her head. “This was nuts, and just think, we get to do it all again tomorrow.” She grinned at him. “Thank God.”

  Jason played with a strand of her hair, twining the inky locks around his fingers.

  “Penny for your thoughts.” She gave him a kiss. He shook his head, but she could tell something was on his mind. “Jason, talk to me.”

  He glanced at Ronnie, who was standing in the middle of the bar looking overwhelmed.

  “Ronnie, go start the dishwasher and then take off. We’ll deal with everything else tomorrow.”

  “Hell, I’m not gonna argue.” The bartender tore off his apron. “This was a good night, guys. I’m glad we only have to do it once a year.” He saluted the two of them and headed toward the back. When Meghan heard the back door shut, she turned to Jason.

  “Now that we’re alone—and I swear to God, Jason Richards, if you try to deflect by singing that damn Tiffany song, I will kick your ass into next week.”

  “I hadn’t even thought about that song until you mentioned it.” He chuckled but quickly grew sober. “I was just thinking that this could have ended so differently. I could have lost you. He could have shot me somewhere else, somewhere catastrophic. It scares me to death, Meghan. The thought of you not being with me, alongside me, for as long as—”

  “Jason . . . what’s prompted this?”

  He shook his head. “I want to take care of you. I need to take care of you. I don’t know if I’m going to be able to.” He gestured to his immobilized arm. “There’s a lot of nerve and joint damage, and it’s going to be months before I can really get back to wor
k, and . . .” He sighed and ran his hand over his face.

  Meghan’s mouth dropped open. “If you didn’t have a fucked-up shoulder, I’d punch you, you idiot. Jaysus.” She scoffed at him. “Do you really think I care? Really? I don’t care for me, Jason, but I care for you. I know you need to work, to be able to do whatever thing your caveman brain thinks is necessary to provide for me. Are you going to be an idiot about this and scurry away and be all, ‘Oh, I can’t provide for her, so I’m gonna dump her like some sort of asshole because I don’t deserve her’? Because I’m telling you right now, I’m gonna be pissed like you’ve never seen me before, and trust me, it will not be pretty.”


  “Damn straight, ‘wow.’ Jaysus.” She shook her head. “Are you sorted?”

  “Yeah, I’m good.” Jason cracked a grin. “I kind of miss our squabbling.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Oh really? You wanna squabble? I can squabble. I’ll be happy to squabble.”

  Jason cackled and pulled her out of the booth. “Let’s squabble while we head home.”

  “God, you are so bossy. And another thing—don’t even think that because I agreed to move in with you that you’re going to get to—”

  Jason sealed his mouth over Meghan’s in a hard, hot kiss until she melted into him.

  “You done?”

  “Yeah.” She licked her lips. “At least until the next time.”

  He laughed, she looped her arm around his waist, and they made their way to the partially renovated house that was their new home, where they fell asleep watching a Christmas movie with the sound off while listening to a certain Quebecoise songstress.

  The End

  Thank you for reading Until the Next Time! Continue reading for a sneak peek at a scene from A Moment in Time!

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  A Moment in Time

  (Give Me Shelter #2)

  The motel still had actual keys, not cards. It also had a lounge, which was where Benjamin “Gunny” Anderson met the woman who was asleep in his bed.